John H Pearson
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Speakeasy Speed Test

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More Pictures Friday Saturday Images of '62

MacArthur Arch

Larry Kearns

Patsy Puckett

Ted Sellers

Barbara Sasse (r)

Nancy Nash(l), Peggy Huber(r)

Ted Sellers(m), John Taglieri(r)

Sharon McGinnes(l)

Barbara Sasse, Maurice Anderson

Artie Sue Lang

Maurice Anderson

John Pearson w/band members

Norman Bielss(l), Maurice Anderson(r)

Jim Burk(l)

Charles Doyle

Patsy Hahn(l), Randy Ikerman(m)

Joe Stall(l)

John Taglieri & Karen

Tom Quick(l), Bob Towery(r)

Bill Newcomb(l), Peggy Huber(ml), Monnie Anderson(mr), Neil Van Stavern(fr)

Sharon Brannen(l), Patsy Hahn(r)

Carolyn Isom(l), Sandi Eason(r)

Sharon Brannen(fl), Mildred Hart(ml), Artie Sue Lang(fr)

Thurman Adkins (civics)

More Pictures Friday Saturday Images of '62


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